You will never want to use ChatGPT again. NeoAngelo AI can be teached by everybody. When you teach it something and after moderation approval (until launch no moderation is systematically applied), it’s new knowledge is then shared across all users under the form of keyword(s)-triggered notes that are automatically considered and that all users can upvote or downvote.
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Devlog coming soon / Journal du développeur bientôt disponible.
There was a problem loading the bot. Ensure it's name is correctly spelled in the URL.
No 1st code block detected.
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No characters in this conversation / about 8 000 characters max
Last response word is: N/A Triggered keywords so far: Status: Not active yet. Ensure your microphone is functioning and you authorized access for it in your browser.Vocal commands:
-To EXECUTE: Execute, Do it, What do you think about it?, your opinion
-To CLEAR THE PROMPT: Clear, Restart, Forget all, Forget everything
-To PAUSE BOT SPEECH: pause, wait, stop, interrupt
-To RESUME BOT SPEECH: Continue, talk louder, not hear you, resume, not want to interrupt you
-To TEACH NEOANGELO: Learn, Teach you, Remember, Memorize, Consider, a note
-To SURPRISE ME: Surprise me
Note: Press the Speak button in order to activate speech-to-text. Ensure your micro is ON and you give authorization to your browser.
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